Posted in Easter, fear, forgiveness, Grace, gratitude, heaven, Holidays, life, love, loving others, prayer, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful, Trials

What Do You Hear?

Good Friday.  What an unusual name for such hard, hard day.  Imagine with me as slowly the light increased over Jerusalem.  It was another early morning in spring and men were going to die.  The Romans regularly crucified criminals–it was business as usual for them.  But this day, well this day, would be different.  Three men would die on crosses–two criminals and one perfect human being.  His name was Jesus.

As the light increased so did the sounds.  If you had been there, you would have heard the sounds of crowd–a mob really.  Some were crying, some shouting, some angry, some broken.  You would have heard the sounds of struggle–anguish as a man carried a cross too big for even the healthiest of men.  At the top of a stark hill the sounds intensified.

You could hear without trying the sound of metal on metal as hammer meets nail.  Cries of humanity suffering as three crosses are lifted skyward.  The message was clear.  You don’t mess with Rome.  Scattered around are the sounds of women crying and men in anguish.  Stares of disbelief filled the eyes of many.  Listen now–there are words.

The Man in the middle–the perfect one–is speaking and what He says is almost beyond belief. “Father, forgive them.  They don’t know what they are doing.”  Forgive them–the very ones who passed the judgement–who drove the nails–who lifted the cross. Wait, for there is more.  One of the criminals is mocking him but the other is begging him.  “Remember me,” he says.  And Jesus responds “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.”

There are more words.  Lean in-strain to hear. The Man in the middle–the perfect One–is asking His friend John to take care of His mother.  And then there is the cry of brokenness as He cries, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  He knows why.  The Man in the middle–the perfect One–has become sin and His Father can’t look on sin.  There’s a price being paid, and it involves wrath and death.  And He is willingly paying it.

As His end draws near a silence begins to fall over the hill.  The women are cried out, the soldiers are bored, and the crowd confused.  And then they all hear it.  “Tetelestai.” It’s a common word really.  It means finished.  An artist would say it when the last stroke is applied to a masterpiece.  A carpenter would say it when the last peg is driven in a newly built table. A farmer would say it when the last sheave of wheat is harvested.  But when the Man in the middle–the perfect One–says those words, everything changes.

“It is finished.”  The mission is accomplished. The price for sin has been paid and atoned for.  The wrath of God for sin is satisfied.  What justice demanded He has paid. And what He promised the criminal becomes a reality for any person. My sins, your sins, our sins, can be forgiven and you can be with Me in heaven.

So, then He dies.  Actually, He wills himself to die for no one could take the life of the Man in the middle–the perfect One.  He could give it, but they could not take it.  Rocks crack, thunder rolls and then in the distance a tearing, ripping sound is heard as the massive curtain separating man from Holy God is torn from top to bottom and God–God hangs out the welcome sign for the first time ever.  And it’s all because of the Man in the middle–the perfect One.

In any other story that would be the end, but you see it’s only Friday.  The final act is coming on Sunday. Friday ended with His followers discouraged, defeated and afraid. Maybe like some of us. But if you lean in again…if you listen closely…you can hear the Father saying, “Rest in Me. Wait till Sunday.  I’ve got this.”  And…He does.  Bro. Dewayne

Posted in fear, forgiveness, friends, Grace, gratitude, heaven, life, love, loving others, prayer, priorities, Scripture, thankful, Trials, wisdom


For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God to us who are being saved.” 1 Corinthians 1:18

Crosses. It seems everywhere you look you can see one. As my wife Judy and I were driving back from the Holy Land (aka the south), part out of boredom and part out of curiosity, I would slowly scan the landscape to see what I could see.  It was then that I saw them.  Poked in the ground were three wooden crosses.  They were weather faded and had shifted in the dirt…lazily leaning to one side and then the other.  When I saw them, I sighed, heavily because of what they meant.  At that spot, sometime in the not-too-distant past…three people had lost their lives.

I didn’t know if they were young or old, black, or white, rich or poor.  I didn’t need to know that because all that mattered was three people in a flash of a moment slipped into eternity, most likely with little or no warning. Those crosses and so many others I saw that day and other days always meant one thing—someone had died. Suddenly they were ushered into an eternity with or without God and that with or without was and is such a heavy thought. Eternity with God would mean eternal life and eternity without Him could only mean a forever separation in a place not made for man but for his enemy—Satan.

These words, these thoughts should weigh heavily on us for eternity without God is a grievous thing—a heart breaking thing. One thing is certain—it weighs heavy on the heart of God. I know this because of what happened a couple of thousand years ago on a rugged outcrop outside of Jerusalem.  There a man, a perfect man, the God man died so that no one had to be separated from God ever again.  His death made it possible for anyone and everyone to receive the gift of eternal life and forgiveness. Think about that whenever you see a cross…for it means Someone died and that Someone was Jesus.

So, if you wear a gold cross or one decorated with jewels or if you have one hung somewhere in your home never, never forget what it means…Someone died. Can I encourage you to go one step further—even if you don’t know God or believe in Him?  Can I encourage you to remember why people, lots of people wear a cross, or hang a cross? Well, whether they acknowledge it or not—they are making a statement about a God who loved the world so much that He sent His Son to this earth for one purpose—to die on a Roman cross. Not murdered, not martyred, He went there and died there because He loved you and me. That is simply amazing. And trust me…a God like that can handle anything including your toughest questions.  He’s got that.  Bro. Dewayne

Posted in Family, fear, friends, Grace, gratitude, life, love, loving others, missions, priorities, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful, travel, Trials

Sleeping in the Grass

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”   
1 Peter 5:8

We found him sleeping in the grass.  Sound asleep.  A few years ago, I had the privilege of going to Uganda and learning about Watoto ministries.  The trip allowed me to see the incredible work of Watoto up front and personal.  They work with orphaned babies and children as well as single mothers.  They raise the kids to become Christian leaders and help the mothers provide for their families.

Part of the trip involved us going to Northern Uganda to see the work in that part of the country. It also gave us the opportunity to take a safari and see some animals in the wild.  You are on their turf and their terms.  We saw a large variety of animals but there was one we all wanted to see.  The lion.  It is like the holy grail of safaris–to see the “king of the jungle.”

Our guide that day just happened to be one of the park rangers, so he had access to areas others did not.  So off we went.  Before long there was a report of a lion sleeping in a tree.  We went cross country and before long, bam, there was a lion…sound asleep.  Well, it was incredible–asleep or not. We snapped about a hundred pictures of our sleeping friend and moved on.

We drove for about 30 minutes and another report came of a group of lions about 50 yards off the road.  Our guide, the ranger, told the driver to drive though this ditch and he did.  Sure enough, there were the lions.  There were about five or six of these magnificent beasts–all sound asleep.  What’s up with lions and sleeping?

Well, it turns out that lions sleep about 20 hours a day.  They hunt, eat and sleep.  That’s about it. Our driver got within five or six feet of the sleeping feline.  Our guide shouts, the driver honks the horn and nothing.  And then he does something totally unexpected.  He throws water on the lion.

What? Excuse me? Well, the king of the jungle, who turned out to be a queen, sits up, yawns, and looks at us.  Hmmm…this lion thing is not what it is cracked up to be.  You would be tempted to think that every lion was like this lion.  That would be a mistake.

You see, there are some nasty lions out there and they would like to invite you to lunch. Lions are vicious predators and will eat you given the chance. I’ve watched enough National Geographic shows to know that not all lions are created equal.  I also know this.  Not all lions live in Africa.  In fact, there is one who lives close–very close.  He doesn’t have a mane or a tail, but he does have an appetite.  His name isn’t Mufasa or Simba. It is Satan.

The Bible, in 1 Peter 5:8, says this, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” On the safari we stayed alert looking for a lion. In life, we need to stay alert because the lion is looking for us.  And guess what?  He’s looking for lunch.

Peter said Satan is like a roaring lion.  If you’ve studied lions a bit you know that a lion doesn’t roar when it’s stalking prey.  A lion roars for two different reasons.  One, he is declaring his dominance.  He is claiming his territory. This is mine.  He also roars to invite others to join his pride. The devil does both.

Satan is always roaring saying “this is mine and that is mine” but nothing is truly his. Nothing. It belongs to a much larger, much stronger Lion–the Lion of Judah. Satan is a liar–remember that. He wouldn’t know the truth if it stared him in the face. No pun intended.

He is also looking for others to join his pride.  He is looking for people who are discouraged and disheartened with life and with God and is inviting them to join him.  Joining him is a big mistake. He is a loser, and he knows it.  That is why he is roaring so loudly.  His time is limited, and he wants to take as many as he can with him.

Now if you are a believer, Satan can’t steal your salvation, but he can steal your peace, your character, your witness, your family, your integrity–well the list goes on and on.  That is why Peter said, “Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.” Peter knew from experience just how good Satan is at taking what is not rightfully his.

Jesus said in John 10:10 “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.”  That’s the enemy but Jesus wasn’t done speaking. He goes on to say, “I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.”  He is saying, “if you trust Me, the Lion of Judah, you can rest in Me. I’m never asleep and I’m never outgunned. I’ve got this.” And He does. Bro. Dewayne

Posted in Family, friends, Grace, gratitude, life, love, loving others, prayer, priorities, Scripture, Southern born, sovereignty of God, thankful, travel, Trials

Slow Down

Then Jesus told him, “Hurry and do what you’re going to do.” John 13:27b

Well, our last great adventure to see our southern tribe is in the rearview mirror.  The bad news is that there are several folks on both sides of our family that are not in the greatest of health. The good news is that has motivated us to do something that we should have been doing all along—visit them.  As you might know, both Judy and I are from the deep south and a visit to any of our siblings and their tribes requires at least an eight-hour drive, while most times it is more like eleven or twelve hours. If that sounds like an excuse it probably is, but the bottom line is being a pastor has certain travel restrictions, especially on weekends.  The other bottom line is this—the clock is ticking for all of us, so somehow, some way, we must make time for the important stuff.

Enough of that. So, we hit the road and rediscovered the travel truth.  You can travel on the interstate highways and get there fast. In other words, if you are in a hurry, dash over to the closest interstate.  The two negative sides to that are the occasional but always untimely traffic jams and the fact that you miss so much of the scenery. The other option usually takes longer but almost every time it is worth it.  You can skip the interstate, slow down, and see what there is to see.  You can learn to enjoy the journey.  Maybe because Judy and I are getting a little older or maybe because we are learning to enjoy the journey, more often we are choosing the slower option.  Slow down and smell the roses.  Let me say that again…slow down and smell the roses—enjoy the journey.

I know it isn’t always easy, but it is important because what’s true in travel is also true in living.  Life truly flies by but what if we make conscious decisions to sometimes apply the brakes?  What if we intentionally said no to something to intentionally leave a blank on our calendars?  What if we settled for hotdogs on the grill to give Mom or Dad some extra time after their busy day to talk?  What if we blocked two hours off on Sunday to worship and not work…or play? Slowing down must be intentional.  When you drive, you must occasionally hit the brake. Keep your foot always on the gas and a catastrophe is going to happen.  Driving requires the fine balance of gas and brake…and so does life.

Looking back, I find myself wishing I had somehow made more time to visit my southern tribe.  Several of them, including my four brothers, are no longer with us and the time for visitation is over. Don’t wait too long. I always remember the words of Jesus to Judas right before he was going to betray his Teacher. He said, “Hurry and do what you’re going to do.” If we can ignore the larger context and just focus on the part that tells us not to procrastinate by waiting and waiting—well, it’s good teaching. 

So, here’s a question.  What is it in your life right now that you simply need to make a priority?  What do you need to say no to so you can make room for a valid yes? Think about it and then do something about it.  God is a great time manager and if we ask, He will be there—He’s got this! Bro. Dewayne

Posted in fear, food, friends, Grace, gratitude, life, Military memories, prayer, Scripture, thankful, travel, Trials, wisdom

Spaghetti Eis

Do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

They called it “spaghetti ice.”  I called it heaven on earth. When Judy and I were married, I was in the Air Force.  About a year later we received orders to serve in Sembach, Germany.  Let me just say it was an amazing time.  We were newlyweds living in a beautiful country of hills and mountains, lush valleys, incredible evergreen forests and fairy tale castles.  Like I said, it was amazing.  And life got better when I bumped into spaghetti eis (ice).

We discovered spaghetti ice cream with some friends from church.  “It” lived in a small town called Landstuhl. It was about a 15-mile drive to the place that sold this small piece of heaven.  It was worth every mile. “What is spaghetti ice?” you say.  Well, let me try and describe it to you.

First, imagine (I’m already drooling) a rich vanilla ice cream, pressed through a mold.  It goes in looking like ice cream and comes out looking like a four or five-inch mound of spaghetti. Then right in the middle of the ice cream sat a big dollop of incredible whipped cream.  Can someone say “amen?”  But wait, I’m just getting started.

After its journey through the press, they would lavishly cover the ice cream with a strawberry berry sauce.  The crowning jewel was an ample sprinkling of finely ground coconut. I’m about to shout “hallelujah!”

Ready to buy your ticket to Landstuhl?  The thing that amazed Judy and me was the fact that something so not spaghetti could look like spaghetti.  It was like your eyes were seeing one thing and your tongue was tasting another. The way they pressed it and dressed it made it look like something that it was not. Wait a minute, I think that is what the world wants to do to us.

You see, regardless of the circumstances, there is constant pressure from the world to press us and dress us like them.  We are pressured to think like the world, dress like the world, do business like the world.  Shortly after that we start being bitter like the world, hating like the world, and fearing like the world. That could be why so many believers are fearful in these crazy days. They are seeing life and circumstances through the eyes of the world.

But the deal is that God says we are to be different.  While He was praying for us, and how cool is that? Jesus said, “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth.” Check it out.  It’s recorded in John 17:16-17.

That word sanctify is a word that simply means “to be set apart.”  When we became one of God’s kids He sets us apart from the world.  We live differently, speak differently, and do life differently.  Now wait.  That doesn’t mean we are better than anyone, but we are to be different.  And that different is to be the magnet that draws others to Jesus.

So, like the ice cream is pressed and dressed to look like spaghetti, we will be pressured to be like everyone else.  And when we are like everyone else, we lose the ability and privilege to share the hope of Jesus.  That’s why Paul writes in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Don’t let the world put you through the press, but rather let God’s Word renew you to look like Jesus.  People need hope today. People need Jesus.  If that is going to happen, we must resist the urge to become “spaghetti ice” in a world that needs truth–that needs the real deal.  Don’t be afraid to be different. Whether the fear comes from the current circumstances or being different–we can rest in Him.  After all, He’s got this.  Bro. Dewayne

Posted in Family, fear, forgiveness, Grace, gratitude, life, love, prayer, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful, Trials


Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.” Psalm 37:23

It seems so easy…but it is just not. In the Disney movie Aladdin, the central figure named Aladdin (bet you saw that one coming) and the beautiful young princess are in a difficult situation.  Options are limited because the bad guys are just about to win the day–grab her and jail him.  He reaches out his hand, looks her in the eyes and says, “Do you trust me?”

Well, you’ve probably seen the movie a dozen times, but the bottom line is she does, they escape, and eventually live happily ever after.  But not before one more precarious situation, one more extended hand and one more time the all-important question asked, “Do you trust me?”  She does.  She extends her hand and well, you know.

Times like these times help us begin to understand just how difficult it might have been for these two fictitious characters.  To not trust meant certain disaster. To trust meant risk.  It’s a hard call–well especially in the movie because Aladdin wasn’t some dashing, super strong, super-hero but a “street rat,” a nobody, from the wrong side of town.

But what about us–what about our plot–our uncertainty.  Well, there is an extended hand and there is that all important question, “Do you trust me?”  But that’s where things change.  The hand extended to us doesn’t belong to a “street rat” but rather to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  It belongs to the One who speaks, and a billion stars begin to twinkle. And the one on the receiving end?  Oh, that would be us–the one He calls son, daughter, child of mine.

I love Psalm 37:24. Speaking of God and us, it says, “Though they [that would be us] stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.” Never fall, never perish, never. Let that soak in.  The word picture is that of a person—perhaps a small child or maybe a frail senior adult—who has lost their footing and consequently is on their way down to certain pain and suffering.  Then, at the last minute, the hand reaches down and takes hold, and they are saved.

That has to be what caused the prophet Habakkuk 3:17-18 to say, “Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, 18.  yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.”

It’s not a hard call really.  I mean He’s all powerful and loves us like no prince has ever loved his princess…cares for us more than any husband his bride.  He has a perfect track record. Never fails…no, not once. Regardless of how scary the days were or may become, He is bigger, He is stronger, and He can be trusted. So, listen carefully today. Tune out or turn down the volume of a screeching world and you will probably hear a soft whisper saying, “Do you trust me?”  And look with Spirit eyes and you might even see a hand extended.  You don’t even need to try and take hold for He’s got you and yes, He’s got this.  Bro. Dewayne

Posted in Family, fear, food, forgiveness, friends, Grace, gratitude, Integrity, life, loving others, missions, prayer, priorities, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful, Trials

Food for Thought

For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love.” Galatians 5:6

Sometimes the main thing gets lost.  I am one of those people that likes things with my things. You know, I like a few French fries with my ketchup.  I am fond of a little pie with my ice cream and of course I prefer a little lettuce with my bleu cheese dressing. Oh, and I like a little taco with my cheese too. Yup, I do like things with my things but there is one thing that I like just the way it is…and that is my coffee.

You see, I learned a long time ago that for me black coffee is the only way to drink it.  I like my coffee black, rich, and strong. It is hard to put my finger on it but there is just something about hot, black coffee that warms the soul.  I know a lot of people would beg to disagree.  They, like me with several of my food groups, prefer a little coffee with their sugar and or cream.  While sugar is generally sugar, the choices of creams are as varied as flowers in a garden. I know my wife Judy’s favorite is “Sweet Italian Cream” and with a name like that…who couldn’t, wouldn’t like it!

The problem, at least from my perspective, is that amid all that sugar and flavoring, the coffee gets lost. Often people find out they don’t really like coffee, they like all the stuff that goes in it.  You might say, the main thing just gets lost, and I guess if that works for you…that’s ok.  But now what about Jesus’ stuff?

When it comes to Jesus’ stuff, His teaching, and writings, it is a must that we keep the main thing the main thing.  We are great at doing a whole bunch of religious stuff and forgetting or ignoring the most important.  Paul wrote a few words about this in Galatians 5:6 the last part when he said, “What is important is faith expressing itself in love.” In other words, all those made-up rules and traditions pale when compared to the love of Christ.  Two things stand out—he was right, and it is true.

In the first part of that verse Paul says, “For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised.” In other words, when we get Jesus, it is time for the religious fluff to fly and the Jesus stuff to stick and stick tight.  Well, anyway, how you do your coffee is all about personal preference but how we live out our relationship with Jesus, well, that is a different matter.  If you need some insight, might I suggest spending some time with the One that matters and in His Word.  He would be glad to meet with you.  You can always trust Him…He’s got this.

Bro. Dewayne

Posted in Family, Grace, gratitude, life, prayer, priorities, Scripture, sovereignty of God, spring, thankful, Trials

Singing before the Sunrise

For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

It happens every year…just about this time.  One of the amazing things about God’s creation is the preciseness of it all.  You can predict the time of the sunrise a hundred years from today within seconds.  The seasons come and go with precise assuredness, and it is not an accident.  Oh no, it is by intentional design.  The Creator God of it all is the God of details and He doesn’t miss one.  Just a couple of years ago here in Southern Illinois we were freezing and had a dose of snow, sleet, and ice.   Then the following Monday it was just over seventy degrees, the grass was greening, and the limbs of the trees were swelling with anticipation. They all know it is time.  Even late snow won’t upset the apple cart.

I know sometimes we worry about some things and sometimes we worry about everything, but nature just doesn’t seem to have that problem.  Sometimes I long for that.  When things around me seem so confusing and threatening, when it seems that the new normal isn’t normal at all…I just tend to worry.  But nature doesn’t miss a beat.  A few mornings ago, I got up at my somewhat usual 5:30 am (don’t ask me why) and began my day with a cup of coffee and some time with Jesus.  It works well.  The coffee wakes me up and my time with Jesus sets me up for a brand-new day. 

At 5:30 am the sun is still sleeping so the skies and the countryside are still dark…very dark.  But something happens every year…just about this time.  Somewhere in my yard, somewhere outside my window a songbird starts to sing.  I’m sure it is a different bird every year and it might even be a different bird every day but long before daylight, he or she decides to sing.  I find it very…refreshing.  Though it is dark, the songbird sings in anticipation of what is coming.  Somehow, they know that the darkness of night is just about over, and the sun is going to rise.  They seem to know that the darkness cannot last forever…it must give way to the power of light.

By faith, the songbird sings its celebration of Spring and of a new day.  And do you know what?  Sure enough, in about thirty or forty minutes, the dawn begins to break, and God honors their faith.  Day in and day out the songbird sings and day in and day out God is faithful.  I think there is a lesson there for us. Actually, there are two lessons to learn.  First, is the lesson of our faithfulness.  The songbird sings not because it sees the light but because it believes the light is coming.  Tucked away in a letter that Paul wrote to the church located in Corinth are these words, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”  We.Walk.By.Faith.

The songbird sings by faith and God calls us to walk by faith.  Walking by faith believes that what God has said will come to pass.  And the second lesson?  It is the lesson of His faithfulness.  Our faithfulness is based on a faithful One.  We have all lived long enough to know that put your faith in the wrong thing and you’re toast.  But put your faith in the One who is faithful, and it is the sanest, most logical thing that you can do. In 2020 it was difficult to find sure footing.  Everywhere you stepped it was shifting sand and honestly, 2021 wasn’t much better. The one exception to that was God.  The God who was God in March of 2020 when we started that COVID mess is the same faithful God today, four years later.  He does not change. You can take that to the bank.

So tomorrow morning, even if it’s out of the range of my hearing, a songbird will begin to sing in the darkness.  It will be announcing, by faith, that a new day is coming—daylight is coming. And Lord willing, most of us will awaken from a night of rest.  For some it may be dark and for others quite light, but for all of us we have the opportunity to take our first steps in the new day.  I hope they will be steps of faith…faith in a Dearest Daddy who loves us enough to guide us, to help us and to lead us.  All we must do is believe…in Him…in who He is and what He said.  He has never failed, you know.  It is totally foreign to Him.  He can and will come through…not matter what.  So, go ahead and peer out into the darkness as the songbird sings and know, “He’s got this.” Bro. Dewayne

Posted in Family, forgiveness, friends, life, loving others, Scripture, thankful, Trials

It’s the Foundation

A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45

Well, we missed this one.  You know sometimes what appears to be the problem just isn’t. Several years ago, we realized that one of our spare beds was looking a little worn out. So, we poked and prodded (not the mattress) the internet looking for that delicate balance between price and quality.  Well, we finally decided on one and soon it was at home with us.  There, all was well.  Rest well dear friends…rest well.

Imagine our surprise when several months down the road one of our guests said that they just simply did not rest well on that bed.  We were befuddled…we were confused and finally we just wrote it off to the fact that people can be fickle about the mattress they sleep on.  Surely, there is no place like home and often there is no bed like the one we sleep on night after night.

Fast forward a several months and strangely someone else said the mattress seemed a little worn out.  Well, we decided perhaps, just perhaps, we should replace the mattress.  Apparently, while we were fond of the mattress, some of our guests weren’t.  We did some more research and bought another mattress.  The other one went to our daughter’s house and well, at least they were happy.

You are not going to believe what happened next.  You guessed it, someone didn’t like our new mattress.  Well, I personally figured out that the impossible quest was to make someone happy with a mattress other than their own. Since research confirms that, oh, well, easy come, easy go. Well, a while later I was checking my “good deals for today” email and I found a queen bed with an upholstered headboard and sideboards. Also, it didn’t require a boxspring and the price was spot on.  I showed it to Judy, she agreed, and the deal was done.

Before long, it arrived by one of the delivery companies and we prepared to put it together. The first thing we had to do was take the other bed apart. We removed the mattress and then the boxspring.  When I picked up the boxspring I noticed that it was kinda bowed and then I noticed why.  The wood frame of the boxspring was broken in two. I showed it to Judy and we both realized something at the same time.  We hadn’t had a mattress problem…we had a boxspring…a foundation problem.

Sure enough, we put the bed together, put the mattress on it and then we tested our work.  We both instantly noticed an amazing difference. While only time will tell the end…I think our bed problem is solved.  Keep in mind the big truth. It wasn’t a mattress problem; it was a foundation problem.  True in beds…true in life.

You see, if you are having difficulties in your day by day walk around life, the problem may not be as obvious as you think. Maybe, just maybe, you have a foundation problem.  This is especially true in the moral and spiritual areas of our life.  Jesus said if you are too often shocked by what comes out of your mouth, you probably don’t have a mouth problem…you have a heart problem.  He said, “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Boom…there you go!

So, if your mattress is uncomfortable…be sure and check your boxsprings.  And, if you find yourself often in deep weeds, it just might be a heart issue and the good news is our Heavenly Father specializes in heart issues.  He’s got this.  Bro. Dewayne

Posted in birthday, Family, fear, friends, Grace, gratitude, Integrity, life, love, loving others, prayer, priorities, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful, Trials

Happy Birthday Grits

Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds.” Matthew 13:34

Well – what an adventure!  It was a Friday morning in March of 2020 and the beginning of the COVID pandemic that caused me to sit down one morning and write a short post on Facebook. I intended it to be a one and done deal and was simply meant to be an encouragement. I wrote it and posted it…and then, something happened.  For whatever reason it touched a chord with people who followed my Facebook page and many readers responded.  And, with that random act, Grits with Grace was born.

We made a permanent home for Grits in May of 2020 on WordPress with a new address, . The website archives all the stories and has a great search engine if you are looking for a particular subject. It also has some valuable statistics…that remind us how the God’s Word never comes back void. As of March 20, 2024, the WordPress website has 516 followers (people who currently follow our site), and 685 followers on Facebook. Wow! We find it very exciting that some are following us in other countries, Singapore, India, and the Philippines.

I thought you might want to read the very first Grits again. If so, the next few paragraphs contain that first story.  If not, I’ll just meet you at the bottom of the page.

A Word of Encouragement

The story is told of a Christian lady who had cancer.  Her pastor went to see, encourage, and pray with her.  Towards the end of the visit, her pastor asked if he could pray with and for her.  Her response was, “yes, of course.”  That wasn’t surprising.  What happened next was.

When he asked how he should pray, her response was totally unexpected.  He assumed it would be for healing but instead she said, “Pastor, pray that I would not waste this suffering.”  Waste this suffering.

She was wise enough to know that the God she believed in was sovereign, was in control and was a kind, merciful and loving God.  She also knew that He was wise and that this had been allowed into her life for a purpose–His purpose.

God’s word says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

I admit I’m baffled by a lot of what is happening around me.  Just when I think I can’t be surprised…I am.  But I’m not baffled about God.  He is working in our circumstances to bring glory to His name and strengthen our faith.

So, God has this.  He isn’t asking us to understand…He is only asking us to trust Him.  And believe me…He has a track record of always getting it right.  God bless you today…trust Him…He’s got this.

Well, that is where it all started. The last four years my wife Judy and I have been honored to share our lives and our stories with all of you.  We honestly don’t have an accurate idea of how many people take the time to read Grits each day, but we do know that we are grateful for all of them. The stories have been as varied as life itself.  We have written about everything from the “Underwear Fairy” to a mean goose in our city park we named, “Bubba.”  Hopefully, many made you smile, and some might have made you cry.  I know there were times when tears slid down my cheeks as I wrote.

You know, Jesus loved to tell stories and He told a lot of them.  Maybe that is why I love Grits so much—it teaches the way He did. All the stories for the last 1460 days have had a truth that can be applied to life and very often that truth centered around just how much Creator God loves us, His creation.  Oh, and we have learned that no matter how big or how small the problem or the circumstance, we can know for certain that, “He’s got this.”

I’ve wondered how long Grits will be around. Well, I suppose the answer is this.  As long as there is a story to tell and a friend who enjoys reading it, I will keep pressing the keys and Judy will keep designing the graphics. So, once again, thank you so much for reading and sharing Grits with your family, friends, and neighbors. And let’s always remember that no matter how difficult the circumstance, “He’s got this.”  Bro. Dewayne