Posted in Family, friends, Grace, gratitude, life, love, loving others, priorities, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful

Thank You

I always thank my God for you.” 1 Corinthians 1:4

It was a day to remember. The time finally came. After a whole bunch of praying and pondering Judy and I came to the decision that it was time for us to start writing a new chapter. So, to start something new we had to regretfully leave the current chapter. It was one of the hardest things we have ever done…and over 42 years we had to do it four times. God allowed me to pastor four churches over the past forty-two years and and each one was a wonderful blessing and each one was easy to love and hard to say goodbye by to.

We joyfully served at Dorrisville Baptist for the past twenty-four years and what a bouquet of blessings it has been. They were a graceful church family which was good because I am one of those pastors who needed a lot of grace. We learned to laugh together, cry together, succeed together and, yes, fail together.  It was a pretty good snapshot of life. Well, in typical Dorrisville style they planned a wonderful day of celebration. And believe me…it was both wonderful and a celebration.

We worshipped and I preached and then for the next thirty minutes or so the church honored Judy and me in a way that lodged in our hearts for the rest of our days. A special friend sang a special song, several gifts were presented and then Judy and I had the opportunity to try and say thank you thank you. I rediscovered two things.  First, yes, there are times when words escape me. Tried as I may there weren’t words to say thank you to all the wonderful people who attended that day. There were even a bunch of folks from Cobden First where I was pastoring when we came to Dorrisville. Second, I am convinced sometimes 26 letters in our alphabet are just not enough to make the words we sometimes need.

Well, despite some terrible weather, despite it being Memorial Day weekend with more than a few families on vacation, we were so blessed and so grateful. In the movie, “Mr. Holland’s Opus,” at his retirement from a fruitful teaching career he was honored with a grand celebration. Well, move over Mr. Holland, because this is one preacher who felt so honored, loved and appreciated, well, he just can’t get over it.

To the four churches who trusted me to be their pastor, to the hundreds and maybe thousands of people I was honored to serve with, to the families we laughed with and sometimes cried with, thank-you. While this chapter is closing, the memories will always be alive and well. And while this chapter is closing, those who walked with us over the last four decades will never fade from our memories.  We love you.  Oh, and don’t ever forget…no matter what…He’s got this.  Bro. Dewayne