Posted in Family, fear, friends, Grace, gratitude, life, Scripture, Southern born, thankful, travel, Trials

Sharks, Riptides, and God

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” 2 Timothy 1:7

I am a Florida boy. I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida.  All my life I have made multiple visits to multiple beaches. I well remember making regular trips to Jacksonville Beach and spending the day baking in the sun and swimming in the ocean.  My sister Agnes and her husband Jim lived in Daytona Beach for several years and we would spend time each summer at their house.  Sometimes it was solo and at least once it was with my sister Kathy.  Again, more baking in the sun and more swimming in the ocean.  Later, after Judy and I were married, our vacations were often to Panama City Beach.  We would always wait till after Labor Day when the prices dropped. What did I do there?  Well, I bet you guessed I baked in the sun and swam in the ocean.  It was who I was…it was what I did.  But this Florida boy has just about given it up.  Why?  Well, here’s the answer.

First, but not most importantly, is the sunburn thing. We now know that over exposure to the sun can be a major contributor to skin cancer.  And trust me, I have enough time in the sun to be more than a bit overcooked.  It became some sort of twisted ritual where I would go with the full intention of getting a bad sunburn. It was like a rite of passage. So, I gave all that up.  The skin doctor told me if I didn’t, I would regret it. Oh, I know they have sun protection but enough was enough. I believe I finally wised up.

Now for the real reason.  Two words:  sharks and riptide.  Yup, that’s right.  You see, regularly and all too frequently, and especially in Florida, shark attacks are way up.  Recently, there were three shark attacks within six miles of each other. While all survived, one 14-year-old girl lost her hand and leg. I know the odds are supposed to be low, but I wonder if those that bumped into Jaws didn’t think the same thing?  I don’t know but I think I will be swimming more in the pool and less in the gulf.

Now riptide.  This weekend in Florida—six people became victims to this monster called riptide. Two young adults, as in under 25, checked into their hotel, changed into their suits and went to the beach and promptly drowned when they were caught in a riptide. What a heartbreak. What a difficult thing. Riptide is a current, often invisible from the surface, that can pull you away from shore. Now all of this and all of that is not supposed to be a “Debbie downer.” Rather it is meant to help you and me understand that sometimes the world, often the world can be a dangerous place—a place where we need help—we need God.

Now I’m only speaking for me and I’m not saying I will never swim in the ocean, but I sure plan to think about it before I do. It just makes sense to be careful. Now let me tell you about another ocean where none of this applies. What and where? It is the ocean of God’s grace and His faithfulness.  In that ocean you never have to be afraid. In fact, that ocean helps us deal with the oceans that cause us to be afraid.  Shannon Adler said, “Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.” We should not walk in fear—rather we should live by faith. Faith and common sense can help us enjoy life as He wants us too.  If you find yourself drowning in fear and consumed by faith eating sharks, remember that your Dearest Daddy is greater than anything you might face. Oh, and never forget, He’s got this.  Bro. Dewayne


Southern born. Love God, my wife, family, and a great adventure.

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