Posted in Family, fear, food, friends, Grace, gratitude, life, loving others, prayer, Scripture, sovereignty of God, thankful, travel, Trials

An Angel from Bowling Green

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord…and He delights in His way.” Psalm 37:23 

Did you know that some angels come from Bowling Green, Kentucky? Well, my wife Judy and I recently returned from vacation. Now, I really like vacations. We are blessed that God has provided the means for us to go and our church (I’m a pastor) provided the time. And believe me…it was time. We saved, planned, and decided a return trip to Punta Cana sounded like just the thing we needed. We bought tickets, made the reservations, and like the old Willie Nelson song says, we were back on the road again. And…we were excited! We decided to stay at a place where we had stayed several times before. We figured with Covid and all of that it might be better to go to a place we were familiar with. We had a great flight down and soon we were in paradise….well, sorta. Truthfully, it was somewhat apparent that Covid had taken the wind out of the sails of our familiar place. It just wasn’t the same. But like we always say…at least we were away.

The Dominican is a great place, but you still must be careful…stay at the resort, eat at the resort and above all…don’t drink the water. Most of the time Judy and I are good rule keepers…and we were this time, too. Then came Wednesday. That day I could tell my appetite was a bit off, but it was no deal. At supper that night I ate very little and as we walked back to the room, I told Judy I just felt a bit sad. Well, in a few minutes, I found out I wasn’t sad…I was sick. In spite of all my precautions, I apparently had the dreaded “traveler’s disease.” If you don’t know what it is…I’ll let you look it up, but it is enough to say it ain’t fun. Period. Well for the next two days I pretty much stayed in the room and by Saturday, going home day, I wasn’t much better.

We boarded the bus for the airport and things went from bad to worse. As we sat there, my stomach got more and more queasy, and I was pretty certain I was going to quickly be the most unpopular guy on the bus. Meanwhile as I am doing my best to “keep my cookies,” Judy was having a great conversation with the mother of a family sitting by us. She was talking to them, and I was talking to myself, “Don’t lose it, don’t lose it.”

Soon we arrived at the airport, thankfully with stomach intact, and got into a very long line to check our luggage for the flight. I tried, but I just couldn’t stand there so I told Judy I was going to the restroom and try and sit-down. She kindly handled the luggage and both backpacks and I went and collapsed. I watched from a distance. I was praying, “God, I sure need Your help, but I know I need to trust you…so Your will be done.”

While I was praying there, Judy was praying in line. Soon, but not soon enough, Judy was almost at the counter and waved for me to come on over. I did and when I got there, the friendly family “just happened to be” in front of her. I was standing there, more miserable than ever, and the mother’s mother, mouthed the words, “Are you ok?” I simply said I was not, telling her my stomach was very upset. And then…it happened. The mother said, “I have some Pepto Bismol in my luggage, would you like some”? I responded with a very grateful “yes”. So right there, though she was next in line, she laid her luggage (which was the size of Texas) on the floor, opened it up, dug around (she packed like Judy…smile) and quickly produced a small bottle of Pepto. I quickly opened it up and took a swig. Borne on the wings of prayer, within a few minutes, and I do mean a few minutes, I was much better. No, I wasn’t normal, but I knew I wouldn’t be losing my cookies. A dose or two later and I was much, much better. I was going to survive.

And all of that…because a caring Dearest Daddy heard the prayers of His kids. Some would be tempted to say it was happenstance, some would say it was just a nice person being nice, but for those of us who know God, we know differently. It makes me go back to that great verse in the Old Testament part of the Bible, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in His way.” You see this whole thing was all about God and not about me. He took care of me…and it delighted Him to do so. I love that. So, while the vacation didn’t make the top ten…God did. In fact, He is number one and the only One. It just proves what we have learned together…He’s got this. Bro. Dewayne


Southern born. Love God, my wife, family, and a great adventure.

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